Lions Room For 2 - 3 Yr Olds

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Within lions we cover all seven areas of learning including; the 3 prime and 4 specifics. We offer a variety of adult led and child-initiated activities to support the children’s learning alongside our carefully planned routine.

The key practitioner monitors their children’s progress and work in partnership with the parents. This enables us to tailor activities and the environment to enhance the children’s individual need.

We use language through listening and nursery narrative as a tool to support the children’s communication and language development in small group activities daily. Additional support will be provided using our wellcomm programme if necessary.

We complete a 2-year-old progress check for you child for more details please follow the link:


lions room at Starlight's Daycare Nursery
lions room pictures at Starlight's Daycare Nursery
lions room for 2 - 3 yr olds at Starlight's Daycare Nursery
the lions room at Starlight's Daycare Nursery
lions room picture at Starlight's Daycare Nursery
 more lions room pics for 2 - 3 yr olds at Starlight's Daycare Nursery

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